FGMEMBERS wiki Page deleted by the core group

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Re: FGMEMBERS wiki Page deleted by the core group

Postby KL-666 » Sun May 01, 2016 5:26 pm

J Maverick 16 wrote:I hope they not ban me for sharing my opinion about a matter that is more than simply pull the plug off a server.

If you live a life of fear, you better think hard about what to change in it. Who to let in, and who to push away. Everyone has the right to pursuit of happiness.

Kind regards, Vincent

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Re: FGMEMBERS wiki Page deleted by the core group

Postby bomber » Mon May 02, 2016 9:10 am

Cross posted as not expecting it to remain long.
Well the community didn't make any decision just a select few..... and as hooray writes it about the MP server "behind the scenes"

Thorsten over the years you've treated people badly, with an arrogance that beggars belief.

Collaboration is about mutual respect but from the get go you show none and have no patience with new comers.... you stated the problems we have between us was instigated because of my belief that in a closed combat multiplayer environment that T4T would be looking to create mouse control of a plane would be removed...

That was my third or so post on joining this forum.

My opinion on that still stands and for the same reason as back then, and in the MP server we've seen examples of why.

On a multi player server you have a level of responsibility for other people's enjoyment, failing to play by a set of rules like obeying ATC instructions or having the equipment (such as a joystick) that makes you competitive as a combat pilot has a direct impact on your fellow pilots enjoyment.

It's as simple as that.

But you're so arrogant and obstructive to any others ideas that you work tirelessly to deface any other approach to a problem other than the one you suggest..

As young design engineers guys with your attitude don't last long. Listening to others opinion and understanding that there's many ways to skin a cat is paramount to having an harmonious and productive design team.

Other people having opinions different to yours are not threats to Flightgear... Other people having a different understanding of legal matters are not a threat. Other people being wrong about something shouldn't have this error thrown back at their face at every future disagreement we have..used as ammunition to discredit their present opinion.

I try regularly to forget about the past, to take each post and review each post / opinion on its content, but you... You're just a wrecking ball of puss and hate that smashes every attempt to build anything that's not to your liking.

I can't respect that approach.
"If anyone ever tells you anything about an aeroplane which is so bloody complicated you can't understand it, take it from me - it's all balls" - R J Mitchell

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